Tomorrow is Monday, gotta go back school again :/ For this month I think there's no more holiday already! Now look forward to National Day!
Yayy Mr Low bought an awesome keyboard !! He's so nice to mco :)
I luv mco yay yay yay yay yay yay yay !!
I don't like people who keep saying I'm rich.
I mean like, say once or twice,play play only still okay. But repetition can become a sarcasm. Furthermore, I've already reiterated my financial problem yet you don't seem to understand. So disappointed, I guess I've confided to the wrong person then. ._.
A girl in love has totally changed. She would gradually give more attention to her boy and won't care much about her friends anymore. I miss the girl that was once so faithful and pestering me ♥ Conversations have been rare and there are lesser topics between us these days. She could be silent for the whole bus ride, and I realised that her sharing has become more minimised. If this continues, I'm afraid we'll easily lose contact when we graduate from this school... :(
I'm out of Kpop already but my heart is still with Super Junior and Ryeowook's twitter can keep me updated about his life :) When friends discuss about Kpop I'll just nod but my mind is somewhere else. Haha lucky Percussionists and some rockers are not into Kpop!! :))
Alright gotta go, if not tomorrow can't wake up !
On a side note, I've just submitted my DSA application form, hope to get a reply soon!!