Hello readers here :D Haha , just telling you yeah , i got full marks for ccm test ! I didnt learn you know ! LOLS . I got 33/33 :D Soo happy cans :3 Haha , they're all tikamtikam derhs x] Lmaos , they arent difficult , they arent easy yeh , they're .. average i shall say ? :P But i just too satisfied i got fullllll marks :)
Cheer up wifey ! You got 1 mark less than me , dont be disappointed kay ! :D It's just one mark niahs . All because of your handwriting i ought so yeps ? LOLS , shall you change your handwriting ? Lols , just cheer up and be happy ! :D
Hmmm , i gonna submit this skin to blogskins.com soon , people , and i gonna change this skin asap . :D Lol ~ , i got penguin kor's , elephant's , and eddy didi's blog to get them done ): LOL , i promised them , so i've no choice ya . Lmaos , i'll be busy .. haha .
Alrights , i gtg :)
May's randoms :
On 26th May , i've yearned for Yeunhui Supergirl's love <3.
On 22nd'May , i've yearned for Joanne Superhero's love <3.
On 21st'May , i've yearned for Amanda Cookiemonster's love <3.
On 19th'May , i've yearned for ShowLuo Kor's love <3.
On 12th'May , i've yearned for Clarissa Bendan's love <3.
On 6th'May , i've yearned for Danielle Baobei's love <3.