HELLO! I'm here to break the news, I GOT A NEW GAN!
Haha, we're the lesbohs. :D And she's named dearly the JIALE.NG. Laughs, I got 50 gans currently! Heehe. I LOVE MY LESBOH :)!
My mini gans notebook. :D
Adeline elmo twin, Alvin bestie, Amanda cookiemonster, Amanda.P tangguo, Aqilah darling, Cheryl wifey, Cheryl socksock, Cheyenne donut, Clarissa.N beloved sister, Clarissa.S bendans, Danielle baobei, Edwin penguin brother, Enqi prettaye, Engsiew xingans, Erny rockstar, Finella beautaye, Hannajid chicken, Huiling meimei, Huiming lollipop, Jasmine qinaide, Jamie jie, Jiale lesbohs, Jieni jie, Joan nuer, Joanne superhero, Jolene kapotie, Joli aiai, Josephine girlfriend, Landai mummy, Limin sunshine, Minghua bigbird, Molina sweetcandy, Natalie rainbow, Natasha husband, Qinxiang green elephant, Queenie couple, Rachel les sister, Regine babydar, Shermaine keai lover, Show kor, Stephanie jie,Vanessa stead, Vanessa baobao, Vivian sweetpie, Wendy twinny, Xinzhe laopa, Yeunhui supergirl, Yuhang clown, Zonglin daddy, Zulhairi curry.