Thursday, October 30, 2008

HELLO! I'm here to break the news, I GOT A NEW GAN!
Haha, we're the lesbohs. :D And she's named dearly the JIALE.NG. Laughs, I got 50 gans currently! Heehe. I LOVE MY LESBOH :)!

My mini gans notebook. :D
Adeline elmo twin, Alvin bestie, Amanda cookiemonster, Amanda.P tangguo, Aqilah darling, Cheryl wifey, Cheryl socksock, Cheyenne donut, Clarissa.N beloved sister, Clarissa.S bendans, Danielle baobei, Edwin penguin brother, Enqi prettaye, Engsiew xingans, Erny rockstar, Finella beautaye, Hannajid chicken, Huiling meimei, Huiming lollipop, Jasmine qinaide, Jamie jie, Jiale lesbohs, Jieni jie, Joan nuer, Joanne superhero, Jolene kapotie, Joli aiai, Josephine girlfriend, Landai mummy, Limin sunshine, Minghua bigbird, Molina sweetcandy, Natalie rainbow, Natasha husband, Qinxiang green elephant, Queenie couple, Rachel les sister, Regine babydar, Shermaine keai lover, Show kor, Stephanie jie,Vanessa stead, Vanessa baobao, Vivian sweetpie, Wendy twinny, Xinzhe laopa, Yeunhui supergirl, Yuhang clown, Zonglin daddy, Zulhairi curry.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'm back. :) Well, although holidays are here, but I'm really frustrated can? -.- CCA, seems to be held everyday. Ohmygod? Zz. Unfair k. My mum will surely nag: "What kind of holiday is this?" Haha, it's like that. x)

Tuesday had SEP windsurfing. Duh, shall not talk too much. I CAN'T WINDSURF ONCE! Sibeh diulianxzsc. Dropped inside water don't know uncountable times. -.- First time, drank the water! Gr, seawater=salt water!! VERYVERYVERYVERYVERYVERY salty can? Wth. Second time, third etc. Dropped inside water. Like going thr for swimming? I got up on the board alr, very happy, then SPLASH! dropped inside water. Then the memorable time. Miss Lam and the instructor said I'm too near to the shore and others. Keep asking me to move further. Zz? I can't swim leh.

Then, I moved further, which to me, too far!! Zz. I got up the board, tried, failed, I knew it. (And my buttock bombs on the floor!!) Lol, super pain can? 2days already, my bottom backbone there still kiinda pain :( LOL :X

And YAY~ Few days back, Dad just upgraded my mobile plan. ^^ My SMS limits from now will be UNLIMITED yo!! Yay! Haha. Message me ba. ^^ Hehees.


Friday, October 10, 2008

Will be going on M.I.A. Too many things and blow happened. I really can't understand, believe, and cope with. I need some peace to reflect. Furthermore, I need to plan veryvery well for my holidays' timetable. I've to take self-studies. I've got almost everything to catch up. Am I useless.? Yes, I am. This stupid girl is me, the unique named by: Marjorie. -.-

Ohmy, I finally understand why students commit suicide. :O I really want to too. I scored real badly this SA2. I really can't believe it can? Everything of my results turn out to be kns. :(

Even MrNg is disappointed in me for English. Chinese I pekchek la. -.- Math&Science I'm dead already. Geography deproved alot, from A1 to C6 -.-! Literature from B3 to C5 -.- Home econs from A1 to B3. Only thing unknown is art. Duh, cried more than 5times. -.- Called Jiedi kor, he's sleeping. Called Edwin Penguin Kor, he's not at home. No one to talk to. Sadden. :'(

Well, shall not elaborate that much. Just wanna die. Will update the results for common test 2 too, soon. But not today, as I've forgotten. Then you can compare swiftly.

SA2 results
English: 73; A2
Chinese: 71; A2
Mathematics: 47; D7
Science: 50.5; C6
Literature: 58; C5
Art: ?
Home econs: 65; B3

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Heehe, I just found out that this is my 159th post already. :) Don't feel like replying to tags :P Oh, I'll re/link asap can? Lost all links, buaytahan! -,-!

Listening to JUHUATAI and QINGTIAN these days. Lol. And SHANHUHAI. ZUIJINHAIHAOMA still stays in my faves (: lmao. My phone broke down! Shit :( Using sister's panasonic. Aww, I haven't told my dad. Lol.

Well, exams are finally over! Today last paper, which is arttttttt. :D
Aft art, went AMK hub with cheryl :D Ate thr. Shopped thr. Lols. She was rushing home. :(
Went back home quickly as dad needed me.

Short post again, laugh!