After school today was like disaster ! I cried so much ='(
2E4*09, I LUV YOU AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN MY HEART. Our hard work had finally paid off!
Let's enjoy during our chalet 3d2n! =)
As praised quite a number of times, we broke woodgrove's record by scoring far better amongst the cohort, given that we are the last class in express.
But after all these, we finally know, it's not about class standard, but class spirit.
We aim the same goal, strive for the same target.
Should we ever separate, we'll always stay close.
To others like teachers, they see us as the best class because of our very close bond and class spirit. We even have our classbook! =D
Yay brenda today envied my classbook, ha ha
Taken a lot of pictures in class with my classmates.
Will upload and update about the rest of the day another day! (:
But overall, had a fun time with Muhaimin Najwa Erny Cheryl today after school =D
Be right back in a few days.
Tags reply from 26th to 30th october
Passer: LOL ha ha :D
Sarah: No lur.. I scared waste your prepaid ma =(
Sarah: Lol, i also bored ttm :(
Huifen: I don't like my current fringe as well, laugh! I'm waiting for my fringe to grow longer :)
Serene: Lol hi! :)
qinxiang: Ha ha, let's go bowling together :)
qinxiang: Okay, remember to remind me horh!
qinxiang: Meiling asked me before already =) And my bro won't remember one.
qinxiang: Sure or not ~~~ Scarli you toutou laugh at my results =P
$eadog$: He he, i can go in your blog already leh ^^
Veron/♥: Serious, that long?! Ha ha.
wendy: Lol cause got you ma twinny! =)
Renee: Patrick , i luv you to the max okay! Thanks for the superb early bday present !
Cheryl. T: Hao lor, now then tag me !
Cheryl. T: I also don't want so many practices de! But too bad lor =(
Cheryl. T: Lol, okok, as promised [:
felicia:): Haha! felisway cannot sway! :( Now.. FeliFart? Jk! :) Thanks to hisham lah!
felicia:): Me too!
Sarah: SSS not fun one! (actually no diff leh ha ha)
Sarah: Wow ha ha, thanks
$eadog$: No problem! (:
Boiboi [: Finally meimei come alive!
qinxiang: Okay ^_^
qinxiang: Ha ha, i not accusing you laugh lah.. Just scared you laugh only!! :)
Passby: (=
tyypey: LOL LBL!! :D
Clara: Yo, updated! (:
Amanda: Hiie, i've updated!
tyypey: LBL, hi! (bend low low) =P
unknown: Lol ha ha thanks.. :)