(Overdue pictures)
I have been working very hard recently. Maths maths and then maths. Bio bio and bio.
And I've not worked on Combined Humanities. Hais, I'm just so nervous about the upcoming EOY which is drawing nearer and nearer, approximately 10 more days to the first paper which is Chinese -.-
Felicia never failed to help me in my studies in library every year end exams ^_^ Including this year, last year, and last last year. Also, there must be next year. :)
I'm pinning my hope on Chinese, English, E.math, A.math, Combined Humanities for at least a B. I want to get some achievements this year, hopefully some bursary award or something, need to earn money in every way now!
I am not gonna give up on Science. Since I chose to take that hardcore Biology, then I should show that I am a Bio student. I don't wish to go around telling everyone "Hi I'm a Bio student but I had never passed any test in this year before" That will be so shameful!!!!!!
I really need help in Chemistry and Bio~~~~ Any tips on memorizing large load of words? Chunks and chunks, here and there, front and back of the textbook. Sometimes I couldn't help cursing and swearing that I have actually chosen Bio instead of dnt. But on the other hand, Landai Momo described Dnt as such a terrible, disastrous, stressed, busy, and irritating subject. hahahahaha!
Alright, today is a Friday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This sunday mco is performing !!!!!!!!
Gotta tuck in to replenish my sleep for the week !