Pictures credit to Ryeowook's twitter @ryeong9!
Today's Nickhun's birthday! 4 more days to Seohyun's birthday, haha
Anyway, my sis bought the latest uweekly cos of SJM's cover page^^
the photos inside are damn awesome!!!!!!! HAHA better than teenage or iweekly(:
i think it's really time for me to settle down and totally focus on my studies!
i've left combined humanities and a bit maths for me to complete my June Holiday homework!
i've been relaxing these two weeks, be it mco, shopping, playing, movies and such.
on the 22nd of june, i've caught Ladda Land!!!! It's definitely the first NC16 in my life!!!!! WOOO feel so young in the theatre LOLLLLL :)
Caught the ghost movie with alvin amos engsiew and vivian! LMAO alvin was swearing all the way! "wow! damn! she's not supposed to walk! kao! wtf" his reactions damn epic^^
We planned to have a chalet this year end! To celebrate our birthdays all at one go and enjoy till shiok^^ This gives me a plus point to work harder for O's and look forward to the holiday! I believe my birthday this year should be a good one as well!
Few days back i've gone to the library to do some homework with the clique and i only managed to finish off some amath questions :)
I've been thinking, out of the subjects (English, Chinese, E.math, A.math, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Social studies, Geography), I'm only confident with the E.math Biology Chemistry LOL because these are the three i've started. For the Chi o level i've mixed feelings because i don't think i did my best though :(((